"Midnight Racer" is an illustrated chapter book for kids 8-12. It is a story about a young boy and his family that move into a new home. After living there for a short time, the boy, Alex, discovers there is a room hidden under his bedroom. Little does anyone know there is secret technology and devices set up below, waiting for the right person to join them in their fight against evil! The book is based on stories I told my son Adam as he was growing up. 

I have always been an artist with a big imagination, so I both wrote and illustrated Midnight Racer.  When I was growing up I loved chapter books with lots of illustrations. Every couple of pages there was a cool illustration.  I always thought superhero and adventure stories were the best and wanted to write one of my own.

I remember the comics and books I read growing up were exciting but also had good stories. I learned to draw from those comics and books and wanted to read them because they were fun to read.

There are so many great chapter books now, but many books and comics are now so dark and violent. I was sure I could write a modern book with cool artwork, an exciting story, and engaging characters, without all the darkness in some of today's books. I hope I succeeded in Midnight Racer

I am working on the second book in the series. I will be posting artwork and bits that didn't make it into the book and parts from the new book on my blog as they are completed.

Updates on new books in the series, unseen art, and other Midnight Racer stuff will be available here and on the Midnight Racer Secret Blog.

If you're interested in getting your own paperback or eBook version of Midnight Racer you can contact me directly by contacting me in or on Amazon.com.